My First Blog Post

I know what you must be thinking, “very original first post title.” I know, and thank you. It took me many seconds to choose it.

With that out of the way, welcome to my blog, {the hematite blog}. I’m planning for it to be a semi-regularly updated blog about a whole spectrum of stuff. I hope that you find the content I post here to be worth a read. If it isn’t, I’m sorry and I hope you find something more entertaining.

Now you may be thinking, “wait, did he just bash his own blog that hasn’t even started yet? And did he apologize?” Yes. Yes I did. You see, I’m Canadian, and while you shouldn’t stereotype (but I won’t think of you any differently if you do — sorry), in this case the stereotype is true and it’s something you’ll get to know about me. In fact, part of my blog will involve me sharing a few random facts about myself.

You also may be wondering why I’ve chosen to call my blog page {the hematite blog}. Long story short, I’ve started a journal many times over the years and all of them have been slowly left by the wayside. Then I saw what waitbutwhy was doing on their blog. The content is very interesting (I have spent tens of hours on that site reading), and it seems like it helps not only the guy who writes the blog posts, but everyone that reads it. The waitbutwhy blog elevates both the writer and reader to a new level of understanding in a wide range of subjects. The site caused me to become incredibly inspired and driven to start my own project, with a similar (but slightly different) aim.

I have always envisioned a time in my life when I’d write regularly, both about things that interest me, my own opinions, beliefs, and experiences; as well as fictional and non-fiction stories. The window of opportunity for me to become a great writer has probably closed by now may lay ahead of me, somewhere down the road. The only thing to do is try and find a path that takes me there, if I want it. There are a lot of things I want to do, don’t do very well, or want to be able to do better.

Hematite (Fe2O3, see Science) is a very common mineral found in the Earth’s crust. It can be found all over the planet in different shapes and sizes. To put it simply, it’s rust.

I’m rusty at a lot of things, some more than others. In this blog I’ll be choosing the things I want to learn more about, try for the first time, try to get better at, and share my experiences with you. Let’s call it a quasi self-improvement blog. Of course, I’ll also be posting about the things that interest me, my day-to-day, and opinions I have about what’s going on in our crazy world. On this journey I’ll also be trying to become a better writer, as I’m sure you may be frustrated by my meandering post (sorry). Updates will come as regularly I can make them (bi-whenever), as I often find myself caught between explosive inspiration and paralyzing procrastination.

If you read that, thanks. Tell your friends, subscribe to the blog, and follow me on Twitter @TheHematiteBlog.

I’ll leave you with three random facts about myself, which I’ll do at the end of every post.

  1. Matthew McConaughey is my favourite actor.
  2. I’m a skilled marksman.
  3. I’m a geologist.

Oh yeah, and one of them isn’t true.


14 thoughts on “My First Blog Post

    1. Great catch, hematite is not rust. At least not directly. I use it as more of an allusion to the theme of my blog, and the fact that rust and hematite are linked in the manner of oxidation.

      I won’t go into huge detail, but the Great Oxidation Event (~2.5 billion years ago) caused all the free iron in the ocean to technically “rust”, attaching oxygen to its chemical composition and causing it to precipitate out as the world’s first iron formations. It’s not the same as the rust you’d find on the car, but how the car rusts and how the iron rusted are the same concept. Forgive me for grasping at scientific straws here!


      1. You’d have to ask someone from that time!

        Just kidding. Obviously, without observing that event take place directly there’s no way to know with 100% certainty. But, with dating techniques based on radioactive decay rates and a good understanding of chemical interactions, it’s a pretty well educated guess!


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